An image of a horse taking part in an event

1st Chelsea Fisk and Lara

2nd Kirsty McGregor-Parratt and Ben


1st Chelsea Fisk and Lara

2nd Nicola Norfolk and Willow

3rd Deborah Skinner and Seren


1st Victoria Tilstone and Rosie

2nd Chelsea Fisk and Phoebe

3rd Denise Healy and Kevin

4th Dawn Moffat and Star

5th Deborah Skinner and Seren

6th Chelsea Fisk and Dave

1st Sarah Edwards and Dolly

2nd Eloise Stephens and Phoebe

3rd Victoria Tilstone and Rosie

4th Laura Ferrari and Deacon

5th Isabella Warren and Miss Kara Mae

1st Kerry Gant and Charlie

2nd Laura Ferrari and Deacon

3rd Denise Healy and Kevin

4th Tilly Kolu and Buster

5th Victoria Rolfe and Blue

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